Acupuncture Meridian Pathways & Point Locations
Triple Warmer Meridian Pathway & Point Locations
(TW, TB, SJ) The Hand Lesser Yang (Shao Yang) of the San Jiao 23 points
The sanjiao channel of the Hand-Shaoyang originates from the tip of the ring finger. It travels upward between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones and along the dorsal side of the wrist and the lateral side of the forearm between the radius and ulna, it passes through the olecranon. Then it runs along the lateral aspect of the upper arm and reaches the shoulder region. Crossing over the shoulder, it enters the supraclavicular fossa. It then ascends to the neck, running along the posterior border of the ear. It crosses from the superior aspect of the ear to the corner of the forehead. Then it turns downward to the cheek and terminates In the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow.
TW1 Guanchong 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail on the ulnar side of the fourth digit.
TW2 Yemen 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web between the fourth and fifth digit.
TW3 Zhongzhu With fist clenched, on the dorsum of the hand between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones in a depression proximal to the fourth metacarpophalangeal joint.
TW4 Yangchi On the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist between the tendons of muscles extensor digitorum and extensor digiti minimi.
TW5 Waiguan On the dorsum of the forearm, 2 cun above TW4 between the radious and the ulna.
TW6 Zhigou On the dorsum of the forearm, 3 cun above the TW4 between the radius and the ulna.
TW7 Huizong One finger width lateral to TW6 on the radial side of the ulna.
TW8 Sanyangluo On the dorsum of the forearm 4 cun above TW4 between the radius and the ulna.
TW9 Sidu On the dorsum of the forearm, 5 cun below the olecranon between the radius and the ulna.
TW10 Tianjing 1 cun superior to the olecranon in a depression formed with the elbow flexed.
TW11 Qinglengyuan With the elbow flexed, 1 cun above TW10.
TW12 Xiaoluo 5 cun superior to the olecranon on a line midway between TW10 and TW14.
TW13 Naohui 3 cun below TW14 on the posterior border of the deltoid muscle, on the line joining the olecranon and TW14.
TW14 Jianliao In the depression posterior and inferior to the acromion process, about 1 cun posterior to LI15.
TW15 Tianliao Midway between GB21 and SI13 on the superior angle of the scapula.
TW16 Tianyou Posterior and inferior to the mastoid process, on the posterior border of the SCM muscle and level with BL10.
TW17 Yifeng Posterior to the lobule of the ear in a depression between the mandible and the mastoid process.
TW18 Qimai In the center of the mastoid process at the junction of the middle and lower third of the curve formed by TW17 and TW20, posterior to the helix.
TW19 Luxi Posterior to the ear at the junction of the upper and middle third of the curve formed by TW17 and TW20, posterior to the helix.
TW19 and TMJ Dysfunction
Use TW19, SI19 and GB2 for TMJ dysfunction. Additional points are GB7, LI4, LV3, ST7, TW5, 17, 20 & 21.
From Atlas of Acupuncture Points: Guide to Point Locations & Formulas
TW20 Jiaosun Directly above the ear apex just above the hairline.
TW21 Ermen With the mouth open, in the depression anterior to the supratragic notch and posterior to the mandibular condyloid process.
TW22 Erheliao Anterior and superior to TW21, level with the root of the auricle on the posterior border of the hairline of the temple where the superficial temporal artery passes. Avoid artery when needling!
TW23 Sizhukong In the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow.