Acupuncture Charts and Posters
Acupuncture and Health charts for students and doctors. Students tell us how much they appreciate the compact chart designs for keeping in their notebooks. They are an easy reference to look over during class or while treating a patient. The wall charts fit most clinic offices and are decorative as well as functional.
Acupuncture Charts 8.5" X 11"
Acupressure Facial Rejuvenation Points Chart
Acupressure Facial Rejuvenation Points help to promote healthy skin by improving overall health and well being to the whole body. Treating the acupoints of the face promotes the flow of Qi and increases blood flow throughout the skin on the face while helping remove toxins.
Smoking Cessation Ear Acupuncture Points Chart
Laminated 8.5 X 11 chart with the smoking cessation formula and you get formulas for weight loss, alcoholism and drug addiction. Each condition comes with treatment protocols and additional body acupuncture points.
Acupuncture Dental Relationship Chart 8.5" X 11" Double-sided
Color laminated chart measuring 8.5" X 11" showing the relationship between the meridians, teeth, body organs and functions. The chart is indexed by: Meridians, Sence organs, Muscles, Joints, Spinal cord segments, Vertebrae, Organs (Yian & Yang), Endocrine glands.
Contains images for muscle tooth relation ship and organ tooth relationship. List of additional relationships for each tooth.
European System of Auriculotherapy 8.5 X 11
This 8.5" X 11" double sided laminated chart is much easier to read than some current charts that bunch all of the points into one picture. This chart has four diagrams with the French system of auriculotherapy.
Color Five Element Acupuncture Chart 8.5" X 11" Double-sided
The five element theory is the cornerstone of acupuncture and meridian therapy. This chart clearly shows the relationship of the five elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood) Laminated five element chart measures 8.5" X 11".
Chinese System of Ear Acupuncture 8.5 X 11
This double sided 8.5" X 11" laminated chart contains the Chinese system of auricular acupuncture point locations. It is a great quick reference for treating patients. Points are in English
Dog Acupressure Acupuncture Chart
Dog acupuncture chart showing the most commonly used acupuncture points. Point locations on the back of the chart for many of the commonly used acupuncture points. 8.5" X 11" double sided laminated chart.
Foot Reflexology and Acupuncture Chart
This 8.5" X 11" double sided laminated chart shows the reflex zones on the soles and sides of the feet. Detailed representation of the spine and tissues, organs and glands affected by each spinal nerve.
Cat Acupressure Acupuncture Chart
Cat acupuncture point chart showing 44 commonly used acupuncture points. The 44 Point locations are on the back of the chart along with conditions each point treats. 8.5" X 11" double-sided laminated chart.
Chinese Tongue Diagnosis Chart
Chinese tongue examination is an art that is easy to master. The basics of this art can be learned in a single day or less. Because the tongue is inspected visually, interrater reliability is quite good.
Applied kinesiology Chart
Applied kinesiology chart showing: Neurolymphatic reflex points, Neurovascular reflex points, Stress receptor locations, TS line, Hand reflexes, Acupuncture sedation points, Tooth muscle relationship and Acupuncture points for the treatment of gait mechanism.
Microsystems of the Face & Head Acupuncture
Acupuncture chart of the microsystems of the face and head. The chart includes the: Chinese face microsystem, Chinese scalp system, Chinese nose system, Teeth organ relationship
and lip microsystem from traditional Ayurvedic.
Pulse Diagnosis Chart 8.5 X 11
This 8.5" X 11" double sided laminated chart shows the patients hands from the doctors perspective, making learning pulse diagnosis much easier. The chart contains list the pulse location on both right and left hand with Chinese name.
Extraordinary Acupuncture Points Chart
Extraordinary points are non-meridian points note contained within the 12 main meridians. This chart contains 42 extraordinary points with point location and indications for each point. Easy to use chart, helpfull when conditions are just not responding to treatment of the main meridian points.
Korean Hand Therapy Meridian Chart 8.5" X 11"
Koryo Hand Therapy is very effective in treating a wide range of ailmentsthrough the stimulation of acupuncture points found on the microsystem of the hand. The function of the human body can be manipulated by stimulating the corresponding points on our hands.
8 Extraordinary Meridian Points 8.5" X 11"
Shows the extraordinary meridians: Du Mai, Ren Mai, Chong Mai, Dai Mai, Yangqiao Mai, Yinqiao Mai, Yinwei Mai and Yangwei Mai.
Chinese Hand Acupuncture Chart 8.5" X 11"
Chinese Hand Acupuncture Chart 8.5" X 11" with over 60 points mapped out on a full color hand, back and front. Extraordinary acupuncture point information for points not found within the main meridian system. Room for a 3-hole punch at the bottom of the chart.
Iridiagnosis Iridology Chart
Iridiagnosis Iridology Chart 8.5" X 11" laminated double-sided showing the organ relationships within the iris, the seven zones of the iris, section of the iris, the densities of the iris and common signs found during acute and chronic changes.
Acupuncture Posters 18" X 24" and 24" X 36"
Microsystem Poster 18" X 24"
This poster shows the main Chinese auriculotherapy points, ear anatomy, NADA addiction pointsmaster control points with indications for the master control points.
Foot reflexology areas of the sole of the foot. Spine relationships on the arch of the foot.
Microsystem Poster 24" X 36"
This poster shows the main Chinese auriculotherapy points, ear anatomy, NADA addiction pointsmaster control points with indications for the master control points.
Foot reflexology areas of the sole of the foot. Spine relationships on the arch of the foot.
Acupuncture Dental Relationship Poster 18" X 24"
Color poster showing the relationship between the meridians, teeth, body organs and functions. The chart is indexed by: Meridians, Sence organs, Muscles, Joints, Spinal cord segments, Vertebrae, Organs (Yian & Yang), Endocrine glands. Contains images for muscle tooth relation ship and organ tooth relationship. List of additional relationships for each tooth.
Acupuncture Meridian Point 8 Poster Set
Set of 8 acupuncture meridian posters for the twelve main meridians, the Conception vessel and Governing vessel. Each laminated chart measures 18 X 24. These unique meridian posters contain pictures with point locations, detailed written point locations and indications for each point.
Acupuncture Meridian Posters 18" X 24"
Set of 3 18" X 24" wall charts of the 12 main meridians, CV & GV with numbered points, five element phase points, horary cycle and command points. Sedation and tonification points.
Acupuncture Meridian Point Locations 18" X 24"
Set of 2 18" X 24" posters of the 12 main meridians, CV & GV with numbered points, anatomical point location descriptions. Perfect study or reference guide.
Chinese System of Ear Acupuncture Poster
18" X 24" The poster contains the Chinese system of auricular acupuncture point locations. It is a great quick reference for treating patients. Points are in English
European System of Auriculotherapy Poster
18" X 24" The poster is much easier to read than some current charts that bunch all of the points into one picture. This chart has four diagrams with the French system of auriculotherapy.
The Eight Extra Meridians Poster 18" X 24"
The Eight Extra (Extraordinary) Meridians. Shows the extraordinary meridians: Du Mai, Ren Mai, Chong Mai, Dai Mai, Yangqiao Mai, Yinqiao Mai, Yinwei Mai and Yangwei Mai.
Auriculotherapy Poster 18" X 24"
This wall poster contains the Chinese auricular acupuncture point locations and four diagrams with the French system of auriculotherapy. Great reference with both ear acupuncture systems.
Pulse Diagnosis Poster 18" X 24"
Pulse diagnosis poster shows the patients hands from the doctors perspective, making learning pulse diagnosis much easier. The chart contains list the pulse location on both right and left hand with Chinese name.
Color Five Element Acupuncture Poster 18" X 24"
The five element theory is the cornerstone of acupuncture and meridian therapy. This chart clearly shows the relationship of the five elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood).
Korean Hand Therapy Meridian Poster 18" X 24"
Koryo Hand Therapy Meridian System is very effective in treating a wide range of ailments through the stimulation of acupuncture points found on the microsystem of the hand. The function of the human body can be manipulated by stimulating the corresponding points on our hands.
Chinese Hand Acupuncture Poster 18" X 24"
Chinese Hand Acupuncture poster with over 60 points mapped out on a full color hand, back and front. Extraordinary acupuncture point information for points not found within the main meridian system. Great chart to learn hand acupuncture.
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