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Acupuncture & TCM Articles

The Transition From Prescriptions To Needles

The Transition From Prescriptions To Needles

By Lindsey Seigle & Brian Kramer,
Licensed Acupuncturists - Iatria Spa and Health Center
Many Americans are rejecting pills and seeking alternative forms of therapy. Acupuncture, an ancient medical procedure thought to have originated in China more than 2,000 years ago, is now offered by many mainstream medical practices in the nation. A study from the 2002 National Health Interview Survey found that an estimated 8.2 million adults in the United States reported that they had ever used acupuncture, with 2.1 million adults receiving treatment in the previous year.

Promoting overall health and well-being is the objective of acupuncturists. We use techniques that alleviate physical and emotional stress – leaving the patient feeling healthier without the assistance of medication. Our patients say that they feel little or no discomfort during treatments. Instead, they describe feeling a warming sensation.

How It Works
The procedure stimulates the body´s nervous system, releasing chemicals in the brain and spinal cord through the insertion of very fine needles at 12 primary meridians. These meridians, or channels, are targeted because of the energy flow through the body. The needles are strategically placed along these channels to enrich the balance of energy flow throughout the body. The needles may either be manipulated directly by the hands or they can be stimulated by electricity.
The treatment is based on the concept that Qi (pronounced Chee), a Chinese term used to describe the vital life force, is used to regulate a person´s mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. The meridians transfer this energy, or life force, through the accessed acupuncture points.

Specific studies on hypertension illustrate how acupuncture relieves stress. Scientists have recently found that when an acupuncture needle is inserted at specific sites on the wrist, inside the forearm or leg, opioid chemicals are released in the brain, which reduces excitatory responses in the cardiovascular system. This decreases the heart´s activity and its need for oxygen, which in turn can lower blood pressure and promotes healing for a number of cardiac ailments, such as myocardial ischemia (insufficient blood flow to the heart) and hypertension.

Other theories involve the possibility of the treatment altering brain chemistry by affecting the transmission of neurotransmitters and neurohormones, which influences parts of the central nervous system directly related to sensation and involuntary bodily functions. There is also speculation that acupuncture directly affects the nervous system by aiding the activity of pain-killing biochemicals such as endorphins and immune system cells throughout the body.

With the 12 main meridians and eight secondary meridians, there are more than 2,000 acupuncture points on the human body – affecting nerve fibers beneficial to overall wellness. After treatment, the body´s improved biochemical balance and energy transfer stimulate the natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional health.

All licensed acupuncturists in the U.S. use disposable needles. Following the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of acupuncture in 1996, the needles are required to be sterile, non-toxic instruments that are used for single-use applications. On their first visit, patients are invited to a session to assess their individual lifestyle, behaviors and health conditions before the treatment is administered. The acupuncture experts need to be aware of medications and other treatments patients are concurrently undergoing.

The Benefits to Overall Well-being
Acupuncture is often used to treat headache, low-back pain, addictions, stroke rehabilitation, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome and asthma. The World Health Organization acknowledges the treatment as a useful method to treat a variety of conditions such as respiratory disorders, digestive disorders, neurological and muscular disorders. Acupuncture is also often used to remedy muscular, reproductive and menstrual problems. Other patients report that they seek acupuncture sessions to resolve physical discomfort related to muscular tension, stress and emotional distress. A recent study funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) showed that acupuncture is an effective treatment for people with osteoarthritis of the knee, and serves as a valuable complement to standard care for a variety of medical conditions.

The Consensus Development Conference on Acupuncture held at the National Institutes of Health in 1997 reported that the procedure has grown in popularity over the past two decades, and stated that thousands of practitioners employ acupuncture techniques in their daily practices. Dentists, physicians and acupuncturists use the techniques for relief or prevention of pain and various other health conditions.

Finding An Expert
Today, approximately 40 states have training standards for certification to ensure that the professionals are qualified to offer quality service. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine administers examinations to acupuncture school graduates upon completion of their master´s degree. Upon passage of these exams, state licensing boards then scrutinize each applicant before awarding the acupuncture license. National acupuncture organizations also serve as excellent sources for referrals to accredited practitioners. These organizations may be found through libraries or Web sites. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recommends that patients also consult with a licensed medical provider to seek treatments for medical services.

The U.S. Department of Education recognizes the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) as the national accrediting agency to certify Master's-level programs in the acupuncture and Oriental medicine profession, signifying acknowledgement of the industry in higher education.

When patients begin the process, they can expect each licensed acupuncturist to inform them of the cost of specific services before administration as well as the number of treatments required to remedy the condition. Treatments may take place over a few days or over the course of several weeks. Acupuncture may be covered under some health insurance policies. The treatments are a growing area of coverage for many companies, but providers must assess the case before receiving treatments. Individual insurance providers may provide information about specific cases of coverage, however acupuncture is a growing area of coverage for many companies. Providers must assess the condition being treated, and to what extent, before the treatment is administered for coverage to be considered.

A Change in Lifestyle
With the emergence of acupuncture to treat common medical problems, people may find themselves checking into the alternative therapy of acupuncture rather than rushing to their doctor for a diagnosis. This non-abrasive technique is ideal for those interested in mind and body wellness, without having to refill prescriptions.

Many of my acupuncture patients find this treatment relieves their discomfort and is an effective alternative to conventional methods of treating medical ailments. The warm sensation, not pain, caused by acupuncture is a remedy to a variety of conditions, as well as relieving stress and improving overall well-being.