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Acupuncture & TCM Articles

Acupuncture Articles by Dr. Amaro

Acupuncture Articles
by John A. Amaro L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.(NCCAOM), DC

The International Academy of Medical Acupuncture Inc.Dr. Amaro is an internationally known author, lecturer and practitioner beginning his practice of Acupuncture and Chiropractic in 1971. He has led 13 diplomatic Acupuncture study tours of The People's Republic of China escorting more than 500 doctors and practitioners. He has personally studied Acupuncture in nine separate Asian nations.
He has received Certification in Acupuncture through the Columbia Institute of Chiropractic in 1973. This was one of the first Acupuncture postgraduate education programs for physicians in North America commencing in 1972.
He has been certified by the Waseda Acupuncture College in Tokyo, Japan in 1974 and graduated from the Chinese Medical Institute, Kowloon, China in 1976. He had previously taken postgraduate studies at the Tai Chung Medical School Taipei, China 1973.

"Damp, Wind and Cold -
Treating winter and spring
musculo-skeletal conditions"

John A. Amaro L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.(NCCAOM), DC

Even though it appears natural and just a usual part of our lives, weather conditions such as dampness, wind and cold can create havoc in susceptible patients affecting their health considerably. In most parts of the world, severe weather may last for months, with one weather system being replaced with another continually. It is not unusual for your patients to be able to accurately predict when the next weather front is on the way because their right knee, left shoulder, neck or hip can be a much better predictor of weather than the local forecaster.

All environmental factors to include heat and dryness can be instrumental in creating health conditions, however it is the extremes of damp, wind and cold that seem to be most common. The body is naturally equipped to deal with the effects of environmental factors thru the proper functioning of the Eight extra-ordinary meridians and the musculo-tendino meridians.

Under usual and healthy conditions, the eight extra-ordinary and the musculo-tendino meridian network protect the internal visceral meridians from the devastating effects of environmental factors. As long as these two meridians are functioning normally, environmental weather conditions pose no threat to the individual, however when there appears to be a breakdown in either system, musculo skeletal symptomatology is the rule.

This is why wintertime weather can create so many problems in the way of orthopedic complaints to include arthritis, myofascitis, stiffness and pain. The treatment of environmental factors could fill an entire textbook as to the explanations and descriptions however, establishing a simple to use explanation and treatment approach is invaluable. While most practitioners will spend years trying to figure out what it really all means, the practitioner following the graphics found with this paper will begin to achieve remarkable results in a variety of weather related problems.

The following graphics include the classic points which dispel dampness, wind and cold and have been responsible for helping countless patients deal with a condition which does not have a good solution thru any other approach. Even though we could spend the better part of a day and barely scratch the surface as to what all the treatment approaches could be, concerning the meridian acupuncture approach to winter and spring orthopedic problems. Suffice it to say, the following graphics illustrate the specific points that are classic and historic in the effective treatment of conditions aggravated by wind, cold, and damp.

Painful Damp Bi

Painful Bi-Cold

Wandering BI Wind

Clip the graphics and make them a part of your library. These are some of the most powerful points you will ever use in the treatment of weather related conditions. When your patient begins to complain the storm is two days away or they are in the throes of a severe flare up because the weather has affected them, begin using these points. It is not unusual to use all three environmental factor points in one patient. Using these points will amaze you as to their incredible effectiveness. Have a great winter and spring, and a fabulous Year of the Horse.

John A. Amaro L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.(NCCAOM), DC
Carefree, Arizona
The International Academy of Medical Acupuncture Inc.